
Why blockchain ?

What is the blockchain?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms at work within the blockchain. The blockchain is a connected network that is decentralized, which means that none of the data available on this network belongs to any organization or person such as Amazon or Google. Therefore, it is impossible for a person to press a single button and turn off the entire network. Each computer that makes up the network (called a node or miner) contributes to the maintenance of the network and earns different rewards for their contribution. These nodes will serve as a "notebook" in which all transactions made by users will be noted and verified by all the nodes making up the network to ensure the reliability of the data. For example, if a file is deleted from the network, all the machines will know and will note in their "notebook" that the file has been deleted. Of course, this is a very brief presentation of the blockchain, you can find more information on the following links:

Star du foot & blockchain

Initially, Star du Foot is a classic browser game with simple mechanics. From the beginning, it is possible to buy the game's currency for a certain amount of money in order to improve the infrastructure of your team, to buy cars, or even certain improvements for your player. But this way of doing things has its limits:

  • Central authority: the game administrator (assuming he is a player himself), if he is not honest, can change the game mechanics at will and grant various bonuses to himself or his team.

  • Little rewards for the players: the video game industry represents a significant part of today's world. When you play a game, you will usually pay a certain amount of money for access and play for hours and get no compensation in return.

  • No ownership: it is possible to earn cosmetic items or to have your player in the game, but if the publisher decides to terminate the server all your earnings will be lost due to their ownership of the game and not yours.

So with this in mind, Star du Foot has decided to migrate its infrastructure to blockchain infrastructure.

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