
At the moment

Currently, you can upgrade your stadium to gain seats. The larger the capacity, the higher your salary will be. Whether you play in your stadium or in your opponent's stadium does not affect the game.

New features

New stadium utilities are coming: options will be unlocked as the stadium grows. One of them is to choose the character of your fans. For example, an "aggressive" fan will bring warmth to the stadium, atmosphere, but also courage and motivation, so your player will transcend to win. Playing at home or away will no longer be a trivial fact! On the other hand, the madness of your fans may lead them to degrade your infrastructure and thus lower their level. If they don't respect the rules, your team and your club can be penalized, with closed doors or a demotion of the stadium level. Another type of fan is those who come to watch their favorite star play. Your player will be less motivated to do his job in a stadium without atmosphere. Nevertheless, they consume more than their aggressive counterparts, which would create an increase in game day revenue. The management of your club, your fans and your infrastructure will be crucial since it can make you win goalars and matches, or on the contrary make you lose them.

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